Ask about our extensive supply of specialized electronics for your machine.
LRS LLC is located in Cookeville, TN USA. Established in 2012, LRS is owned by Ben Perron, a former TRUMPF controls engineer who worked at their Farmington facility for 12 years acquiring an extensive background in TRUMPF C02 Lasers.
In order to keep pace with its growing reputation of meeting and exceeding customer needs and expectations, LRS acquired Sollid LTD (formerly of Blackstock SC) in 2016. Following this acquisition, LRS expanded its parts selection, acquired additional staff, and launched an on-line database for easier customer access to inventory. All of these added value services and resources led to LRS tripling sales by 2017.
Our people are our most valued resource
When you call LRS, you deal directly with our staff - not a call center. Becky and Mary are on-site to take your orders, redirect your calls, and schedule service. Mary, our business manager, has more than a decade of experience, having worked at Sollid LTD prior to joining our team.
We make it easy for you to find what you need when you need it
Our entire stock can be searched on-line by all major search engines. Search for "Trumpf <Part Number>", and if it's in our database it will show up on any search engine.
We don't just sell parts. We support them, repair them, analyze them, and understand what we sell.
Laser Repair
Send order requests to or Call (931)651-2236
We accept
Any reference to TRUMPF machines, part numbers etc, are for reference only. Call for current pricing.